Leadership Academy Programme (LAP)
Previous Prgramme Years of The Leadership Academy Programme
The programme was officially launched on 29 October 2014.
This is an innovative and unique programme designed by disabled people for disabled people. The programme is specifically intended for working disabled people with leadership aspirations to develop their leadership competencies, increase leadership contributions and ultimately increase leadership role models amongst disabled people within society.
Previous Graduation Ceremony that took place on 8th May 2015, the final programme day focused on reflections of the delegates journey’s to date, the social model of leadership and sustaining success and network mapping. The day culminated in the delegate’s graduation ceremony, with ‘live project group’ presentations. Our first year award ceremony was a great time of achievement and success. The attendees included key figures from the field of disability, line managers, mentors and the Chair and staff from Disability Rights UK.
More about previous programme years
Please see our short video from particpants, which really captures the impact that LAP has
Impact Statements - Learn first hand how particpating in LAP has impacted both Delegates and Mentors.
If you would like to find out more about the Leadership Academy or are interested in being part of our next, 2015-16 intake please email;