JETS scheme to help jobless overlooks disabled claimants


A new government scheme – JETS (Job Entry Targeted Support) has been launched, backed by a £238 million investment fund to help those left without jobs due to the pandemic.

Targeting those out of work for three months, JETS will see the Department for Work and Pensions ramp up support for claimants to ensure those put forward for the scheme have access to tailored, flexible support to quickly get back into work. The new programme will see a number of providers offering a range of help, including specialist advice on how people can move into growing sectors, as well as CV and interview coaching.

The government will be working with the Shaw Trust to deliver the scheme in England. Scotland will follow early next year.

However, the JETS scheme will only provide employment support to Universal Credit (UC) claimants and New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants, not ESA claimants.

In addition, it will only provide employment support to those Universal Credit claimants in the ‘all work related requirements group’.

So JETS excludes those UC claimants with a disability or long term health condition who have ‘a limited capability for work’.

DR UK’s Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “Despite disabled people being disproportionately negatively affected by the pandemic-induced recession, government continues to fail to put targeted measures in place to support disabled job seekers.

“Many employers have had the opportunity to see just how effective a workforce working under adaptations can be. Many have seen increased productivity as a result of homeworking. This is just one adaptation disabled people have been asking to become part of the norm for years. We would encourage employers to see that our ideas, innovations and expertise have a strong role to play in the new normal, especially in the employment landscape.”