Care Minister announces ‘key worker’ care home visitor pilot


Designated visitors to relatives in care homes are to be given key worker status to ensure visitation rights, the Minister for Care, Helen Whately has announced. A pilot scheme will be trialled – the date has yet to be announced. One sole visitor will be permitted the designation. All but essential workers were banned from visiting care homes back in March. The move affected homes for disabled people, including those with dementia.

DR UK Head of Policy Fazilet Hadi said: “It is not clear why this is a pilot. We should immediately move to making tests and PPE available for all close family and friends who want to visit loved ones. The separation is causing untold misery and rapid deterioration in mental health. To run a pilot seven months after the issue first came to light is a wholly inadequate response. Further, allocating just one visitor per resident feels callous given the amount of isolation people in care homes have been forced to endure. How can residents be expected to choose between their most beloved people?”