Think Local Act Personal launches a report on lived experience of access to care and support


The TLAP Insight group (TIG) which makes up a group of organisations with key insight and expertise within the social care sector have reported that the lived experience of people accessing care and support during the pandemic can be greatly improved through co-production and personalisation. At the heart of the recommendations is the need to co-produce services with people who use them in order to create a personalised care future which will improve outcomes for disabled people and for all part of the social care system.

Clenton Farquharson, Chair of TLAP and DR UK Ambassador said;

‘Some of the findings make uncomfortable reading. Whilst there are examples where people have received good support, others have fared less well. Throughout this immensely difficult time, I have been clear that people working in social care (and I include unpaid carers within this definition) have done their level best to respond to the challenges - many going over and beyond. Shortcomings were perhaps inevitable, because at one important level what Covid-19 has done is expose the existing fault lines with social care, with too many people experiencing too little personalisation.

We have not produced the report as a historical record, but to help things move forward. It is important that the opportunity is taken to apply the lessons from the Covid experience and avoid repeating past mistakes. That is why we have included recommendations to help the care and support sector adapt to the new realities brought about by the pandemic and to capture what can be learnt and applied for the future.’

View the report on the TLAP website

A TELLING EXPERIENCE: Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on people who access care and support – a rapid evidence review with recommendations