Call for Evidence


Views Sought on Post 16 Classroom Based Study 

The Department for Education has launched a call for evidence seeking views on post-16 classroom-based study at level 2 and below. This is part of the post-16 level 3 and below qualifications review, and follows on from the publication of our second stage consultation on post-16 level 3 qualifications, launched on 23 October.

Before we set out detailed proposals on post-16 level 2 and below study, we want to know more about what is working and what more it needs to do to support 16 to 19 year olds and adults. We want all students to be confident that whatever option they choose will be high quality, valued by employers and will lead to an apprenticeship, further study or a great job.

The call for evidence invites views on specific recommendations, as well as inviting evidence and views on areas where we are more explorative.

Chapter 1: Level 2 study explores how level 2 study can best support students to access and achieve level 3 (both academic or technical); or enter into employment at level 2. It also asks about the role of level 2 qualifications in supporting adults in employment to upskill.

Chapter 2: Level 1 and below study asks for evidence on effective study programmes for 16 to 19 year olds at level 1 and entry level. For adults, it asks about the provision that delivers level 1 and entry level skills (e.g. personal and social skills; employability; introductory vocational skills) and where qualifications are necessary and add value.

Chapter 3: English, maths and digital at level 2 and below asks about the English and maths qualifications alongside GCSEs and Functional Skills so that we can ensure the future qualifications offer supports all students. It also asks about ESOL qualifications, and consults on our proposal to remove funding from level 2 ICT Functional Skills and level 2 ICT for User Qualifications.

The call for evidence is aimed at anyone with an interest in Further Education. Responses are particularly welcome from education and training providers, employers, professional representative bodies, awarding organisations, students, learners, parents and carers.


We encourage you to respond and share details about the call for evidence with your key partners across social media.

The call for evidence will run until 31 January 2021 and you can respond at:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the call for evidence in more detail please contact