DR UK Post-16 Education and Training Conference 25 and 26 February 2021
Improving post -16 outcomes for disabled young people in education, training and employment
Thursday 25th February 2021, 10.00 am - 3.30pm
Friday 26th February 2021, 10.00 am – 12.30pm
The Coronavirus outbreak is currently causing huge upheaval to everyone’s lives, but especially to the lives of disabled people. It is a particularly challenging time for disabled young people seeking education, training and work.
We need to work creatively and collaboratively to ensure that good quality information, tools, resources, and best practice are widely shared, and that the best possible support is provided in order to improve opportunities and outcomes going forward.
This online 2-day event aims to:
- Provide information on different post-16 options and relevant resources
- Share best practice on solutions dealing with barriers disabled young people face and reasonable adjustments in work, training, and education
- Support employers, careers and enterprise advisers, training providers, teachers, family carers and other stakeholders to make their practice and learning and work environments more inclusive
- Share initiatives to better engage with disabled young people and increase confidence and motivation.
Register here for Thursday 25th February 2021 Time: 10.00 am – 3.30pm
Register here for Friday 26th February 2021 Time: 10.00 am – 12.30pm
Thursday 25 February 2021
10.00 |
10.05 |
Fazilet Hadi DR UK “Hight Functioning” - Poem by Ella Sanderson |
10.20 |
10.40 |
Scott Noon, Former apprentice |
11.00 |
Julie Benton, Development Manager, Ansbury Guidance |
11.20 |
Break |
11.30 |
Katherine Jennick, Creator, What’s Your Strength? |
11.50 |
Michael Vermeersch, Digital Inclusion Lead, Microsoft |
12.10 |
Fiona Barrett, Director of Operations, Genius Within |
12.30 |
Jane Hatton, Director, Evenbreak |
12.50 |
Lunch break |
13.20 |
Louise Worts, 14-19 Leader, Daventry Hill School |
13.40 |
Fay Stoodley, Employment Support Officer & Sarah Benn, Contract Co- ordinator, The Specialist Employment Service, The Education People |
14.00 |
Sarah Stones, Motivation Specialist, Plain Sailing Motivation |
14.20 |
Break |
14.25 |
Rundip Thind, Education Officer, DR UK |
14.45 |
Nikki Mears, Co-Founder, Naturally Talented Me |
15.05 |
15.25 |
Feedback and Closing remarks |
10.00 |
Opening address: Fazilet Hadi, DR UK |
10.10 |
Anna Morrison, Director, Amazing Apprenticeships |
10.30 |
Thomas Cliffe, Director, Track |
10.50 |
Break |
11.00 |
Henrietta Still, Enterprise Coordinator, East Sussex County Council |
11.20 |
Martin McLean, Post-14 Policy and Practice Lead, The National Deaf Children's Society |
11.40 |
Break |
11.50 |
Elaine Dale, Director of SEND Support & Nursery & Lara Scott, City College of Norwich |
12.10 |
Jacqui Dobson, Diversity and Inclusion Partner, Financial Times |
12.25 |
Feedback and closing remarks |
This conference will have Speech-to-Text Communication Support and BSL interpreters.
Download the conference speaker biographies