Disabled Students Helpline
Providing advice to Disabled students, apprentices and trainees in England.
Email: students@disabilityrightsuk.org
Telephone: 0330 995 0414
Telephone opening hours: 11am-1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Calls are free from a landline but mobile providers may make a charge.
Calls to this line may be recorded and emails will be stored and used in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.
Our helpine Advisor, Rundip Thind, has been delivering helpline advice in this area for 12 years, with a total of 15 years experience in an advice role and a law degree.
The Disabled Students Helpline offers information and advice by phone and email on post 16 education and training to Disabled students, apprentices, trainees, their parents, carers and any professionals supporting them. The helpline covers a range of topics including:
- applying to college, university and apprenticeships
- telling people about your disability
- financial assistance
- adjustments for disabled students and apprentices
- rights in post -16 education and training under the Equality Act 2010
- how to resolve any disagreements.
We do not provide legal advice on the helpline. If you want legal take advice or advice on the merits of your case, we recommend you contact a qualified solicitor.
In addition to the helpline, Disability Rights UK also produces a range of free education factsheets and guides for disabled students, trainees and apprentices on post 16 education and training.
The student helpline is partly sponsored by the Snowdon Trust.
Students studying in Scotland
We recommend that disabled students who are studying in or wish to study in Scotland contact Lead Scotland (0800 999 2568) for more specialised information and advice about education and training in Scotland.