Care Act

This guide is intended to be used by disabled people and people with long-term health conditions who have support needs.

The guide explains about:

  • What the Care Act intends to do
  • Assessing your needs and eligibility       
  • Person Centred Care and Support Planning   
  • Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
  • Moving between Areas
  • Safeguarding     
  • Charging and Financial Assessment
  • What to do if you disagree with what you are being asked to pay        
  • Further Information
  • Getting further advice   
  • Glossary

The guide does not cover everything that is in the Act but concentrates on those parts of the legislation that are most relevant to people of working age.

Changes to the Care Act Guidance have taken place since this guide was originally published. See for a list of changes to the Care Act Guidance.

Your feedback wanted

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have recently launched their new ‘Tell Us About Your Care’ partnerships with a number of national charities, of which Disability Rights UK is one. This involves Disability Rights UK gathering feedback from disabled people about their experiences of using health and social care services. The CQC would welcome feedback on your experience of using any of the services they regulate. Please click here to do so.

Care Act Guide - Word version

Care Act Guide - PDF version

Health & Social Care