Write to your MP - ask them to sign the EDM on disability benefits assessments

Wed,6 April 2022
News Benefits

Marsha de Cordova MP has tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) calling for fundamental reform of WCA and PIP assessment in the forthcoming White Paper and to guarantee disabled and seriously unwell people receive the social security they need to live on and cover the additional costs of their disability or condition.

EDMs are used by MPs in the House of Commons to draw the attention of the House to a particular issue, event or campaign. Other MPs may show their support for an EDM by adding their own signature to it.

Anti-poverty charity Z2K have been working with Marsha de Cordova  as part of their #PeopleBeforeProcess campaign and have now launched a write to your MP action to encourage as many MPs as possible to sign the EDM.

Z2K said: “Nearly half of all people in poverty in the UK are either disabled themselves or live with someone who is disabled. The current assessment processes for disability benefits often deny people the income they should be entitled to. This has to change.

"We want the Government to make a real commitment to working with disabled people, people with health conditions, and Deaf and Disabled people’s organisations (DDPO’s) to affect true change to the assessment processes for Employment Support Allowance (ESA), Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

"Marsha de Cordova MP has launched a new Early Day Motion 1126 - a petition only MPs can sign - in support of the campaign calling for fundamental reform of the disability benefit assessments processes.

 Today, we are asking you to Write to your MP to call on them to sign the Early Day Motion in support of this campaign.”

Information on how to write to your MP is available here