Election experience research opportunity
MHCLG is the Government Department responsible for overseeing the running of elections. The research is to help them understand the in-person voting experience of disabled people, particularly in light of new accessibility measures that have been introduced.
The research would involve participating in a group interview with 2 to 4 other participants, or an individual interview in some cases. Interviews will take around 90 minutes and will cover your experience of in-person voting in the general election, your awareness and experience of the new accessibility measures introduced and any potential areas for improvement.
To be eligible for a discussion, you need to have tried to vote in person at the July 2024 general election. We are particularly keen to speak to individuals with a physical or mental health condition that affects them in the following areas:
• Vision
• Hearing
• Mobility
• Socially or behaviourally - for example associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Discussions will take place up until the 4th December and will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. As a thank you for taking part in an interview, you would receive a £40 payment from IFF.
If you are interested in taking part in an interview, please email the IFF research team at eipelectors@iffresearch.com and provide your phone number and any accessibility considerations that are helpful for us to know before contacting you.
An IFF recruiter will then call you and ask a short series of questions to make sure the research questions suit your election experience, before booking in the interview at a time that suits you. Please note that we are conducting a set number of interviews, and there is no guarantee of participation from opting in.
If you have any questions or would like any more information about the research, please email Elizabeth Bromley at eipelectors@iffresearch.com.