Lumina Learning Neurodiversity Research - Invite


Disability Rights UK is delighted to promote research being carried out by Lumina Learning to help make recruitment and employee development processes more inclusive.

Traditional personality questionnaires and psychometrics tend to see people as fixed 'types' and look to pigeon-hole job candidates and employees. Test adminstrators are often resistant to adjustments to the process which they wrongly see as going against the principle of standardised tests. Biased attitudes and assumptions about certain behaviours can be a barrier to open, honest conversations and exclude disabled people from the recognition they deserve to be their best at work. 

Why take part?

This is your chance to help with research that supports more inclusive, diverse, and ultimately fairer workplaces that recognise the value in all people. Taking part means you have the opportunity to complete the Lumina Spark and Lumina Emotion questionnaires (15 mins each to complete). This involves creating an account using your email address after which you'll receive a free personalised Lumina Spark Portrait, and Lumina Emotion Portrait shortly after completion of each questionnaire and free access to the Lumina Splash App, aimed at increasing self-awareness. 

The research mainly asks questions about neurodiversity and learning differences but there are a number of questions in relation to disabled people's experiences of other recruitment and testing activities, such as interviews and in-tray exercises. 

Click here for the invitation