Disability Rights UK issue a statement in response to the chancellors remarks on benefit claimants today


Yet again benefit claimants are treated as easy targets by the Government in its desire to save money, as a new attack on the welfare system was launched at the Conservative Party Conference today.

Whilst there will be a tiny minority of people who cheat the system, to blanket label all those on benefits as “shirkers” and to propose a “crackdown” on them is language that is harmful and potentially destructive to those who rely on the benefit system because they have no other option due to a disability or long term health condition.

To continue to stereotype benefit claimants is unacceptable, to propose more sanctions is unacceptable. The government needs to stop demonising people.

This new assault follows the recent announcement from minister Mel Stride, opening a consultation on changes to the Work Capability Assessment, the test aimed at establishing how much a disability or illness limits someone's ability to work. This has already terrified Disabled claimants, who are sensing that the Government is blaming them for all society's financial ills.

It seems that Disabled people and those with long term health conditions are being used as scapegoats. If the government genuinely wants to reduce the number of people on benefits, there should be announcements on significant investment in the NHS and social care, a huge investment in mental health services, free skills training and for those who need to remain on benefits, which is already the least generous welfare system in Western Europe, there should be better and more targeted support. Currently benefits are so low that they are creating utter misery and extreme hardship.

Disability Rights UK