Fundraising Star Mitch brings it at London Marathon 2023!


Disability Rights UK's star runner Mitch completed the London Marathon this year to fundraise for our work!

Our fabulous runner Mitchell Brady achieved the incredible time of 4:11:58 at his very first London Marathon!

Unsurprisingly, it rained on the day of the race (this is the UK, after all…) but the atmosphere was, as always, incredible. Mitch says:

“The crowd were immense and definitely help to pull you over the line, which makes you realise that having the right people around you at the right times can help you to achieve great things.” Mitchell has recently had a resurgence in the asthma he has had from a young age and has to depend on several medicines to help him to exercise. But Mitch has this to say:

‘Don’t feel like you need to limit yourself in life, there’s always ways to make it happen.’

Disability Rights UK Fundraising Manager Rebecca Clarkson says ‘We would like to express our huge thanks to Mitch for the dedication and training he put into this, and to raising money for our vital work in Disabled people’s human rights. He is an absolute star.’

And Mitch seems to have caught the bug . . . he is already talking about running for Disability Rights UK again next year . . . maybe in costume! Watch this space.

If you would like to support Disability Rights UK by running a marathon (or race of any distance!) get in touch with our Fundraising Manager Rebecca at: There are also many other ways you can help to fundraise for us, which you can check out on our web page here.

We are endlessly grateful to all the inspiring individuals like Mitch who help us in our mission to advocate for the rights and liberation of Disabled people in society. You can still donate to his fundraiser, find the link to the website here!