Managed Migration to Universal Credit webinar

The DWP plans to move all legacy benefit claimants, other than ESA only claimants, onto Universal Credit (UC) by the end of 2024. The DWP will start the process of managed migration by moving tax credit claimants onto UC, before moving remaining legacy claimants.

This CPAG webinar will look, in detail, at the process by which claimants will be managed migrated from legacy benefits to UC.  It will consider the process by which claimants will move onto UC, the rules regarding transitional protection to ensure that claimants are not worse off at the point that they move onto UC, and the way in which transitional protection works once claimants are on UC. 


Owen Stevens, welfare rights adviser at CPAG.

Mark Willis, welfare rights adviser at CPAG Scotland.

Will Hadwen, trainer for CPAG and author of the Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits Handbook


This webinar will run from 1pm to 3:30pm on Wednesday 29th March 2023.

It will be delivered live online, via Zoom, and there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask the speakers questions.

Participants will receive an email link, a few days before the webinar, to allow access to the event.

Register on the CPAG website