Disability Skills Unit
The Disability and Skills Unit is dedicated to supporting disabled people to pursue their goals, ambitions and aspirations for work, education and skills development.
We support the government’s commitment to creating three million new apprenticeships by 2020. We also believe this provides a unique opportunity to help meet another commitment – that of halving the disability employment gap.
The unit aims to:
- Promote best practice in supporting disabled students and trainees amongst education providers and employers
- Raise awareness and understanding of ways to make apprenticeships, traineeships and supported internships inclusive
- Promote peer support in employment and share information and good practice with all stakeholders
This includes sharing encouragement and personal experience of overcoming barriers amongst people living with a range of impairments and health conditions.
The unit will organise a range of events including seminars, webinars, outreach, and other activities to provide opportunities for sharing resources, updates, stories and experiences of good practice.