Disability Benefits Consortium launch PIP Pledge report and MP e-action
We know that the way in which assessments for benefits are carried out is really important. There have been too many bad experiences of the Work Capability Assessment and, although the Government is very much to blame for this, we know that the way in which Atos has delivered these assessments has not helped.
The assessments for PIP will be delivered by Atos in some areas, but in other areas a company called Capita will deliver the assessments. We want to make the most of this situation and use the differences in how these companies deliver the assessment to drive up the quality and make the process fairer for disabled people. A new report by the Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC), a group of over 60 charities including Disability Rights UK, highlights these differences and makes recommendations for improving the assessment.
We need you to contact your MP now and tell them about this report, so that they can put pressure on the Government, Atos and Capita to get these assessments right. Our campaign action makes it easy to contact your MP, tell them which company will be delivering the assessment in your area, and highlight our key concerns.