Universal Credit October timetable announced

Tue,9 July 2013

From October 2013 Universal Credit will roll out in 6 jobcentre areas covering England, Scotland and Wales

The jobcentre areas are Hammersmith, Rugby, Inverness, Harrogate, Bath and Shotton.

At the same time, aspects of the new Universal Credit will roll out across the country, including the Claimant Commitment, and enhanced jobsearch support. It is also intended that claimants will be given more access to digital services to encourage claiming online. 6,000 new computers will be installed in jobcentres for claimants to use.

There will also be ten in-work conditionality pilots created, which aim to test how to best encourage claimants to progress in work.

For more information see www.gov.uk/government/news/universal-credit-roll-out-from-october-2013

For more about Universal Credit see our factsheet at disabilityrightsuk.org/universal-credit-uc