Latest ESA and IB reassessment stats

Mon,22 July 2013

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): statistics on reassessments of incapacity benefits, July 2013

These are the DWP’s latest figures for ESA claims, including those referred/migrated from incapacity benefit.

Outcomes of completed initial assessments (non IB referrals) for claims started from September to November 2012:

  • 52 per cent of claimants were entitled to ESA.
  • 23 per cent of claimants were placed in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG)
  • 30 per cent of claimants were placed in the Support Group (SG)
  • 48 per cent of claimants were assessed as Fit for Work (FFW) and are no longer eligible for Employment and Support Allowance.

These statistics do not include outstanding appeals. Where the results of appeals are known the figures are:

  • 53 per cent of claimants were entitled to the benefit.
  • 23 per cent of claimants were placed in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG).
  • 30 per cent of claimants were placed in the Support Group (SG).
  • 47 per cent of claimants were assessed as Fit For Work (FW) and are no longer eligible for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

Outcomes of completed IB referrals (adjusted after appeals) for claims started from September to November 2012:

  • 77 per cent of claimants were entitled to the benefit.
  • 36 per cent of claimants were placed in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG).
  • 41 per cent of claimants were placed in the Support Group (SG).
  • 23 per cent of claimants were assessed as Fit for Work (FFW) and are not entitled to ESA.

You can view a full breakdown at