Join us for exclusive member Updates

Tue,13 August 2013

We’ve just published the August 2013 edition of our members Updates newsletter that is now accompanied our Disability Rights Handbook Updater

Our bi-monthly Updates newsletter always contains:

  • the latest benefits, campaigns and policy updates;
  • Q&As from our Independent Living, Disabled Students and Member Organisations’ Welfare Benefits Helplines;
  • a digest of significant recent welfare rights caselaw;
  • a timetable of future benefit changes; and
  • details of our welfare rights and disability confidence training courses.

Our new Updater contains all the amendments-to-date to our Disability Rights Handbook made due to legislative changes made since its date of publication.

To encourage you to join we have decided to make the current issue free to download. Individual membership can be as low as £7.50.

Our August 2013 Updates newsletter is available here

Our April to August 2013 Handbook Updater is available here

Updates and Updater are also available in word format

Details of how to join Disability Rights UK are available here