Reclaiming Our Futures Week of Action


From today to 4th September Disabled People against the Cuts (DPAC) and other campaigns are offering a range of activities disabled people can get involved in "to protest against austerity, fight for our rights and celebrate disabled people".

Reclaiming our Futures is being supported by a large number of organisations including the TUC, UK UNCUT, Anti-Bedroom Tax and Benefits Justice Federation,  Black Triangle, Fuel Poverty Action, the Network for Social Change, the Mental Health resistance network and The Edge Fund.

DPAC says -

“This Autumn, we are asking our community to come together in anger, and celebration again - and to unite around our demands.

We will be launching the UK Disabled People’s Manifesto setting out our vision of how the resources, structures and institutions of our society today can be re-designed to empower disabled people to take part in life on our terms.

Disabled people are, and always will be, the experts on our lives and our self-determination. It will be a vision and practical plan that we can take forward in our communities, workplaces and lives to reclaim our futures.

In the build up to the manifesto launch, DPAC is leading The ‘Reclaiming Our Futures’, seven days of action to protest against the targeting of disabled people by austerity measures, to fight for our rights for inclusion and independence as equal citizens and to celebrate the value, pride and self determination of disabled people.”

For more information on the Reclaiming Our Futures Week of Action see