JSA: Claimant Commitment roll-out
Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants will have to account more clearly for their efforts to find work and will be given a weekly timetable of tasks to complete with the national roll-out of the Claimant Commitment.
The DWP announced today that from October 2013, around 100 jobcentres a month will begin using the Claimant Commitment with new jobseekers, until it is in place across the country.
This new form of Jobseeker’s Agreement will set out more fully a benefit recipient’s responsibilities in order to receive state support. Those who fail to comply with their responsibilities risk losing their benefits.
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Iain Duncan Smith said:
“For those people on Jobseeker’s Allowance, looking for work should be a full time job. It is fair and reasonable for the taxpayer to expect that claimants should do everything within their power to get into work.
It’s a fair deal people will have to sign up to in return for receiving support from the state. Our reforms are ushering in a new culture of conditionality and the Claimant Commitment lies at the heart of this.”
The DWP said -
“The Claimant Commitment is backed by a strict compliance regime to ensure jobseekers do all they can to have the best chance of finding paid work quickly. Those who fail to comply with their responsibilities risk losing benefit.”
For more information see today's DWP press release Claimant Commitment to spell out what jobseekers must do in return for benefits @ https://www.gov.uk/government/news/claimant-commitment-to-spell-out-what-jobseekers-must-do-in-return-for-benefits