Strategic partner updates for August 2013
Health and Social Care update from our work as Strategic Partner to the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England
The Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development (IESD) Fund This fund is awarded to voluntary groups that work towards improving the health and well-being of people across England. The money they are awarded goes towards testing and developing new ways of working in the health and social care system that will:
- Improve people’s health and well-being
- Promote improved ways of working to achieve excellent outcomes in health and social care
- Support the health and social care sector to develop sustainable business models for the future
This year the IESD fund will be awarded to voluntary groups that also demonstrate a commitment to some of the current key priorities in the health and care system. These are:
- Personalisation and Choice of Care and Support
- Delivering Better Health and Care Outcomes
- Improving Public Health
- Improving Long-Term Care and Support
- Delivering Safe and Compassionate Care
Under the 2014-15 IESD Fund, applicants are invited to submit proposals that:
- test and develop new, innovative approaches to health and care;
- actively share and disseminate excellent practice; or
- improve collaborations and partnerships within the voluntary sector to * provide better outcomes, greater efficiencies and longer-term sustainability
You can find out more details of the fund at: . Alternatively, you can contact the Voluntary Sector Grants Hub on 0113 254 5450, or email Please note: There are two deadlines to be aware of:
- Register your organisation (if you have not already previously registered) and complete the ‘Eligibility Form’ for your proposal by 11th October 2013.
- Complete an on-line application form on the ‘Award Information Management System’ (AIMS) by noon on 25th October 2013. You can access AIMS, including registering for the first time (if applicable) using the ‘register’ link, at:
Funding for Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) to support Patient and Public Voice
Please check for further background our dedicated webpage on the health and social care reforms . NHS England will shortly be publishing some guidance related to:
- Collective Participation – Harnessing the voice of patients and the public to inform strategy and commissioning;
- Putting Patients in Control – Focusing on an individual’s relationship with their own health care;
- Insight – Including a range of surveys such as the Friends and Families Test;
Many Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will choose to access Commissioning Support Services from Commissioning Support Units. Therefore, NHS England were keen to ensure that adequate expertise existed within CSUs to enable them to provide innovative, appropriate and valuable support in these areas to CCGs. To support this they have launched a programme of funding.
There is an explicit expectation that CSUs that are funded will engage the voluntary and community sector in providing commissioning support services and CSUs need to explain how they will do this. This is especially important given the VCS’ unparalleled expertise in genuinely connecting with communities and particularly engaging with people whose voice is not as readily heard.
Hopefully having this information up front enables you to have some more strategic conversation and talk to your local CSUs about how effective partnerships can be forged and the role of the VCS in the provision of Commissioning Support Services.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact either me , or Di Domenico ( who will be picking this piece of work up going forwards at NHS England.
Educating for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and Engagement 3: Making the economic case
A programme with a range of conferences is supporting a growing social movement of people who are interested in the wider PPI environment. The aim is to develop a shared understanding of the current and future opportunities for educational innovation to support PPI across perspectives and disciplines. The viability of current workforce learning models to support and facilitate sustainable and impactful PPI is being explored.
- The 3rd conference will facilitate a national conversation exploring opportunities for re-designing learning provision for facilitating and empowering patients and service users
- It will address the key question of 2013 ‘What is the economic case for PPI?’
- Bringing people together from across a range of perspectives and disciplines such as Patient Safety, Health Literacy, Self-care, Improving pathways and care processes, Participating in Research, Training Professionals, Commissioning Services, Scrutiny of Services
- A case will be created that takes into account the whole system and how this can be supported over the coming years
To find out more and book your place visit the conference webpage here