Personalised support services event


Personalised support services for disabled people: What can we learn?

Date:Wednesday, 25 September 2013 09:30  -  12:00

Venue: King's College London

The setting for everyone involved with care and support services is changing. While the benefits of offering disabled people choice and control over their support are wide ranging, developing the provider market to meet the demand for personalised support brings more challenges. Helping disabled people into employment at a time of economic recession and unprecedented financial difficulties for central and local governments makes close collaboration between local authorities, Jobcentre Plus, user-led organisations and providers even more important. Yet attempts to join up funding streams have faced significant administrative and cultural barriers.

This seminar discusses what we can learn from two important evaluations of disability policies: the Right to Control Trailblazers and Jobs First.

Having identified what worked, what did not and why, Ipsos MORI and King’s College London will share their findings with practitioners to help care and support services deliver for those who need them most.



  • Liz Sayce OBE, Chief Executive, Disability Rights UK (chair)
  • Claire Lambert, Associate Director, Social Research Institute, Ipsos MORI
  • Dr. Martin Stevens, Research Fellow, Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London
  • Chris Hall, Parent and carer of an adult with learning disabilities

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