Caring and Family Finances Inquiry published


Disability Rights UK welcomes Carers UK's recently published Caring and Family Finances Inquiry

"With the UK’s rapidly aging population this report is a shock reminder of how much the Government relies on informal and freely given care and support -  but under the impact of the 2012 welfare reform act this is in danger of breaking down.

Central to the Government’s response must be to reshape the world of work through measures such as an automatic entitlement to flexible working for both disabled people and their family members: if disabled people can keep working, that benefits the whole family, and if family members have flexibility they can combine work with supporting those close to them.

Employers in the main possess the wit, access to advice and available IT to do more to fit work to people as we are. It is therefore natural for the 11 million disabled people and six - and soon to nine - million offering informal support and care to expect the Government to act on these recommendations,”

[Philip Connolly, Policy and Communications Manager of Disability Rights UK].

You can view the report at