MPs examine Access to Work programme


This Work and Pensions Comittee inquiry considered the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Access to Work programme (AtW).

AtW is designed to help long-term disabled people to start a new job, or remain in employment, with practical support which goes beyond the “reasonable adjustments” which employers are required to make by law.

In 2011 the coalition Government commissioned Liz Sayce to conduct an independent review of employment support for disabled people. The Sayce review highlighted the effectiveness of AtW but found a lack of awareness about the programme, particularly amongst smaller employers and people with mental health conditions and learning disabilities.

Liz Sayce recommended that DWP “transform [AtW] from Government’s best-kept secret to a recognised passport to successful employment”.

The Government has since taken some steps to increase the reach of AtW, for example through increased marketing of the scheme to employers, and extending it to cover a broader range of work experience, traineeship and apprenticeship placements.

Submissions of no more than 3,000 words were invited from interested organisations and individuals.

The Committee was particularly interested in:

  • The AtW application and assessment processes, from the perspectives of employees and employers;
  • The adequacy of ongoing support, both in terms of the aids, adaptations and support workers provided through AtW, and the help and advice offered by DWP;
  • The effectiveness of AtW in supporting people with mental health conditions and learning disabilities;
  • AtW’s effectiveness in terms of helping disabled people to:
  1. Secure a job;
  2. Stay in employment; and
  3. Develop their careers; and
  4. The steps taken so far by DWP to extend AtW, including its marketing and funding of the scheme.

The deadline for submitting evidence was Friday 20 June.

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