Strategic partner updates for July 2014
Health and Social Care update from our work as Strategic Partner (SP) to the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England.
This month’s update includes reflections on Disability Rights UK’s events and workplan (lead on commissioning ), and on how this will support local user-led organisations and finally news, plans and insights on addressing health inequalities and patients and service users driving integration directly through the Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) programme.
We have had our workplan for 2014-15 approved together with our consortium partners Shaping Our Lives and Change. Watch this space!
Further news:
NHS England Chief offers local government leaders radical new health and social care integration option
High-need individuals are to be offered the ability to control their own blended NHS and community care, in partnership with voluntary sector.
The NHS will offer local councils across England a radical new option in which individuals could control their combined health and social care support, Simon Stevens CEO of NHS England has announced.
Speaking at the annual conference of the Local Government Association in Bournemouth, Simon Stevens set out plans for a new Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) programme, which will for the first time blend comprehensive health and social care funding for individuals, and allow them to direct how it is used. Disability Rights UK will and inform and contribute to the Prospectus, the delivery plan for the IPC.
To read more, go to:
Peer support workers - new ways of working in mental health services
A newly published study from the National Institute of Health Research sets out to assess new peer worker roles in mental health services in England. It sets out examples largely from outside of England.
We are helping set up peer support around local GP practices supported by a national ‘right to peer support’ – if you would like to explore this, please get in touch with
NHS England takes action to improve access to specialised mental health services for children and young people
NHS England is taking urgent action to improve access to specialised inpatient mental health services for children and young people after publishing a “frank and honest” report on current provision. One of the issues flagged are wrong incentives for local CCG-commissioned CAMHS services to refer children and young people prematurely to specialised tier 4 services as these are provided from NHS E funds.
For more information, go to:
NHS rated on open and honest reporting culture in world leading transparency drive
Sir Robert Francis has launched a new review into NHS reporting culture to make it easier for NHS staff to speak up.
To read more, go to:
Disability Rights UK has sent a response to the Secretary of State which also outlines the many contributions disabled people and local user-led organisations make on a day-to-day basis to the patient safety agenda.
NHS England’s priorities explained in new film
NHS England’s business plan priorities have been brought to life in a new film featuring the voices of patients and staff describing the outcomes they want from NHS care. The film sets out how NHS England and CCGs can commission high quality care that is built around patients and puts them first.
To view the film, go to:
NHS England publishes Understanding the new NHS – A guide for everyone working and training within the NHS
NHS England have today fulfilled a previous commitment and published Understanding the new NHS – A guide for everyone working and training within the NHS.
Written by five doctors in training, the guide outlines the organisations, systems and processes that define, sustain and regulate the NHS.
The document is an accessible, practical and informative tool for everyone working and training in the NHS, and will be of particular interest and relevance to doctors and clinicians in training.
The publishers emphasise this guide is a snapshot in time and is correct at the date of issue – June 2014.
Patient activation explained
Luke O’Shea explains how ‘patient activation’ could help over 1.5 million people in England with a long term condition
Public Health England's Health Profiles 2014 published
Public Health England’s (PHE) has published its Health Profiles for 2014. They bring together existing information into one place to provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing across each local authority in England. They contain data on a range of indicators for local populations such as the proportion of children in poverty, adult smoking rates, levels of child and adult obesity, hospital stays and early mortality rates.
The profiles are designed to provide local government and health services and user-led organisations with ‘conversation starters’ to highlight local issues and priorities, and discuss how to tackle these. They show potential problems and opportunities by making comparisons with other areas and with the national average.
Health Profiles have been published annually since 2007, and this is the second time PHE is responsible for publishing them. They will be available online for every local authority in England.
See the full PHE Press Release here:
Fundamental standards: improving quality and transparency in care
The government has announced legislation which introduces fundamental standards for health and social care providers. Subject to parliamentary approval, they will become law in April 2015.
The new measures are being introduced as part of the government’s response to the Francis Inquiry’s recommendations and are intended to help improve the quality of care and transparency of providers by insuring that those responsible for poor care can be held to account.
For more information, go to:
Consultation outcome - Fit and proper person's test regulations
From October 2014, subject to parliamentary approval, directors of NHS providers must meet a fit and proper person test. The Care Quality Commission will be able to insist on the removal of directors that fail this test.
The test is being introduced as part of the fundamental standard requirements for all providers. It will apply to all NHS trusts, foundation trusts and special health authorities from October and the government plans to implement the standards for all other providers by April 2015, subject to parliamentary approval.
To read more, got to:
Consultation outcome - Statutory duty of candour for health and adult social care providers
From October 2014, subject to parliamentary approval, NHS providers will be required to comply with the duty of candour. Meaning providers must be open and transparent with service users about their care and treatment, including when it goes wrong. To read more, go to:
Mental Health Act Code of Practice consultation launched
The Department of Health is seeking views on proposed changes to the Code of Practice: Mental Health Act (1983).
Our consultation ‘Stronger Code: Better Care’ is asking for your thoughts on a new draft Code which includes:
- 5 new guiding principles
- significantly updated chapter on how to support children and young people, on the use of restraint and seclusion and the use of police powers and places of safety
- new chapters on care planning, equality and human rights, links to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and support for victims
The consultation is open until 12 September 2014.
To read more and have your say, go to:
Better care plans to provide dignity, independence and reduce A&E admissions
Plans to improve out of hospital care for the elderly and vulnerable will reduce emergency admissions, the Department of Health and Department for Communities and Local Government have announced.
Following a review of the first set of local plans for the Better Care Fund, a renewed agreement has strengthened a commitment to bring health and care service providers closer together to make joint decisions, ensuring more people receive joined-up, personalised care closer to home. The fund and the benefits it is creating will be an enduring feature of health and care provision beyond 2016.
Building on existing practices whereby local government already purchases care services from a range of suppliers, the fund, with a shared budget of at least £3.8 billion, will bring from next April:
- more dignity and independence for the frail and elderly by providing the care they need at or closer to home
- 7-day health and care services — to ensure that people can access the care they need when they need it
- a named professional— who can join up services around individuals, and prevent them from falling through the gaps
- better data sharing — so that people don’t need to endlessly repeat their story to every professional who cares for them
- joint assessments — so that services can work together to assess and meet people’s needs all in one go
To read more, go to:
Diabetes at all-time high: importance of the NHS Health Check
Last year in England over 1.3 million people took up the offer of an NHS Health Check. With the prevalence of diabetes at an all-time high, the benefits of the programme which range from treatment to lifestyle advice are huge.
See the full PHE Press Release for details: the-nhs-health-check
NHS Health Check up by 9.5% in 2013 to 2014
Latest figures from PHE show that more people than ever are accepting the offer of an NHS Health Check.
See the full PHE Press Release here: 2014
New fund to help VCSE organisations become more sustainable
The Cabinet Office is seeking views on a new £40 million fund to help voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations secure their futures.
To read more and respond to the consultation, go to: organisations-become-more-sustainable
The deadline for responses is 24 July.
Systems Leadership - Local Vision projects
The Systems Leadership Steering is looking for applications for the second round of Systems Leadership - Local Vision projects around the country. The project's brief is to address 'wicked issues' and to achieve measurable improvements in health, care and wellbeing. The aim is to put people using services at the centre of services; therefore applications that demonstrate how people who use services drive projects would be welcome. Topics so far have included integration of older people's services; improving adults' and children's safeguarding; and reducing food poverty.
Care Act 2014: launch of care and support consultation
The Department of Health is seeking views on how local authorities should deliver the care and support reforms in the 2014 Care Act
To read more, go to: launch-of-care-and-support-consultation
A series of factsheets that provide an overview of the duties and powers local authorities will have in the future and can be viewed here:
To have your say, go to:
The consultation is open until Friday 15 August.
Wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care consultation conclusion
The Government’s response to the wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care consultation has been published.
To read the document, go to: treatment-or-wilful-neglect-in-health-and-social-care
NHS Constitution: recommendations by Expert Advisory Group
The expert Advisory Group’s recommendations on how to make the NHS Constitution more practical and meaningful for patients and staff in England has been published.
To find out more, go to:
Mental Capacity Act: government response to the House of Lords Select Committee report
The government has responded to the House of Lords Select Committee Report on the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The response sets out a system-wide programme of work over 2014 to 2015 and beyond that the government believes will make a real improvement to the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act
For further information, go to:
Service Transformation Challenge Panel - call for evidence
An independent panel has been launched by HM Treasury and the Department for Communities and Local Government to advise on transformation of local public services to deliver better outcomes for local people. Have your say in the call for evidence until 10 July.
To read more, go to: transformation-challenge-panel-call-for-evidence
Government expanding support to beat homelessness
Government departments have united to expand support for vulnerable people, Housing Minister Kris Hopkins and Communities Minister Stephen Williams have said. Over £65 million of funding from across Whitehall is being offered to councils and other organisations to tackle homelessness around the country.
To find out more, go to:
Youth Engagement Fund
We recently published a prospectus for the £16m Youth Engagement Fund which will fund social impact bonds to support young people at risk of becoming NEET. Applications open in early July – register your interest to
receive full bidding documentation and details of bidder information events. In the meantime you can start conversations with potential partners in your area.
For further information, go to: prospectus
Mapping Health and Wellbeing Boards’ priorities
An interactive map highlighting the priorities of all Health and Wellbeing Boards across England is now available. By selecting a theme, for example smoking or healthy living, the map will highlight all areas citing it as one of their health and wellbeing priorities.
A link to the latest Health Profile from Public Health England for the area is also provided. /journal_content/56/10180/6111055/ARTICLE
Women’s voices on health: addressing barriers to accessing primary care’
WHEC has published ‘Women’s voices on health: addressing barriers to accessing primary care’. The includes findings from a survey with 300 women as well as focus groups with BME women, refugee and asylum seeking women, women living with HIV, LGBT women, and women with learning
disabilities. It was produced by Maternity Action with support from Imkaan, Positively UK, Change (as part of the user-led consortium between Disability Rights UK, Change and Shaping Our Lives) and ELOP.
Read the report
Or listen to the podcast
Professor Jonathan Benger, National Clinical Director for Urgent Care for NHS England, updates on the Urgent and Emergency Care Review.
Barry Cockcroft CBE, Chief Dental Officer for England, discusses the key theme emerging from the Call to Action for Improving Dental Care and Oral Health.
Teresa Chinn reveals what she finds to be most inspirational about nursing.