Further Scottish devolution proposals

Sun,12 October 2014

The parties’ published proposals on further devolution for Scotland

On 19 September 2014 the Smith Commission, chaired by Lord Smith of Kelvin, was established as a fully independent body to facilitate talks on the devolution of further powers to the Scottish Parliament.

The Smith Commission will publish its Heads of Agreement in November this year.

In parallel, the UK Government has agreed to:

  • set out the range of proposals that have been made on further devolution
  • provide secretariat support to the parties’ discussions and to wider consultation on those proposals
  • respond to the Smith Commission’s Heads of Agreement. The UK Government’s response will take the shape of draft legislative proposals accompanied by an explanatory text in January 2015. These will form the basis of a Scotland Bill to be brought forward by the next UK Government in the new Parliament

This Command Paper fulfils the first of those commitments by setting out the published proposals by the 3 main UK political parties that have already been put forward for further devolution.

The paper includes the stance of the three parties on the devolution of:

  • Various forms of taxation – corporation, capital gains, inheritance, VAT, excise duties etc
  • National Insurance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • The Work Programme and Jobcentre Plus
  • Delivery of consumer advocacy and advice (as currently done by Citizen’s Advice Scotland).
  • Enforcement of the Equality Act 2010
  • Employment tribunals
  • Entrenchment of the Scottish parliament
  • Scottish parliament elections
  • Scottish representation at Westminster
  • Railway transport

You can view the proposals at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proposals-for-further-devolution-of-powers-to-scottish-parliament