Capita Equality Act challenge


Wolverhampton Welfare Rights are in the process of bringing a claim against Capita and the Department for work and Pension (DWP) for failures under the Equality Act regarding assessment centres

The challenge concerns cases where someone’s disability might suggest that they are unable to make the journey to a particular centre.

In one case someone with developmental and learning difficulties, first onset psychosis and resulting challenging behaviour was sent to an assessment centre which was 16 miles from their home. In this case a home visit should have been made.

Wolverhampton Welfare Rights is looking for examples of similar situations; where people are forced to travel long distances for assessment where their disability that might suggest a home visit was more appropriate, both in Capita and ATOS areas. You must say which area you are in - ATOS or Capita.

If you have an example of this happening elsewhere in the country please email Dan Manville;