High street shops accessibility scandal
Two researchers, one blind, one a wheelchair-user, have been recording their experience of high street shopping using modern pinhole cameras
Some of the UK's top chains failed to provide ramps - while five cabs refused to take a guide dog.
The Equality Act obliges organisations to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people but what the researchers encountered.
The researchers findings were to have been presented on BBC London news at 6.30 pm tonight but this item has been cancelled.
Liz Sayce, Chief Executive Officer of Disability Rights UK said:
“Firms are still breaking the law on access nearly 20 years after the first Disability Discrimination Act was passed in 1995 – and not only in London, it happens across the country . Astute companies understand that turning away custom is always bad for business. But for those who don’t understand, we need much stronger enforcement of the law – to show that unlawful exclusion will not be tolerated in this country.”
You can find out more at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-29917990