Access to work cap announced


Minister of State for Disabled People Mark Harper has announced changes to the Access to Work Scheme, which will take place from October 2015

From October 2015 Access to Work will only provide awards up to a limit set at one and half times average salary (a limit of £40,800 per person per year at October 2015). This figure will be uprated annually in line with the level of average salaries. Those in receipt of awards above this limit when the cap is introduced will be allowed to continue to receive their existing support until April 2018.

Other proposed changes include:

  • The development of a framework for translation services including British Sign Language, aimed at guaranteeing quality standards and setting transparent rates from Summer 2015.

“We will build on this by working with Deaf people and stakeholder groups to undertake a market review of BSL interpretation provision to explore long term improvements in the market.”

  • Starting early in 2015/16, the Government will look to pilot contracted taxi services for customers across the largest towns and cities.
  • From October 2015 eligibility for self-employed awards will be based on the Universal Credit rules.
  • Personal budgets to be offered to those with ongoing awards for travel or support.

Disability Rights UK has issued a statement on these changes.

For more information see Mark Harper’s statement and the DWP press release.