New figures reveal worrying impact of caring


Carers UK’s new research, State of Caring 2015, highlights the impact of caring on those looking after a disabled, older or seriously-ill loved one

The research, based on the experiences of 4500 carers, reveals that nearly half (48%) of carers are struggling to make ends meet. 40% of carers want increasing financial support for families providing unpaid care to be Government’s top priority.

The research found that 8 in 10 carers surveyed (82%) say that looking after a disabled, older or seriously-ill relative or friend has had a negative impact on their health, with three-quarters (74%) struggling to get enough sleep and three-quarters (76%) expressing concerns about the impact of caring on their health in the future. A third (29%) of carers are calling on the Government to make increased practical support services a top priority.

To view the research go to the Carers UK website