Leadership Academy First Year Ceremony
Friday 8th May 2015 saw the final day of the Leadership Academy cohort of 2014-15
The programme culminated in a day of live presentations and celebrations with a Graduation Ceremony to recognise the delegate’s significant achievements and future contributions to the field of leadership; through the experiences of an individual with lived experience of disability and/or a long term health condition.
We were honoured to have our key note speaker Baroness Jane Campbell give the ‘opening address’ at the Graduation Ceremony. Her attendance along with Disability Rights Chair, Asif Hussain and other board members in attendance, was very rewarding for the delegates and recognised their success and hard work throughout the past year.
The Programme has seen the development and progression of many of the delegates our delegates have grown from undertaking the programme and have feedback various comments;
“I really enjoyed it. It was nice to celebrate our successes both as an individual project group and as a wider cohort. Ryan Bennett”
“Building confidence doing presentations was a great development and in terms of what was most valuable I have to say the feeling of togetherness at the end of it all. Gurdeep Sohi”
Many of our delegates have reported positive progression in their careers, with many of them seeking and receiving promotions at work or a change in career path. Nonetheless, nearly all of the delegates felt that they completed the programme feeling “leadership ready”. We are particularly inspired by outcomes such as these from the Programme; as they are indicative of real development in this arena; as a result of employers sending and supporting their employees with lived experience of disability and long term health conditions, to really commit to their career aspirations.
Read the Leadership Academy Graduation blog by Simon Lydiard FCIPS | Deputy Director Group Commercial Services, Group Procurement Strategy, Department for Transport
For further information on becoming a delegate or a mentor for next year’s cohort-2015-16, please contact Katrina.morris@diabilityrightsuk.org. Places are limited so please book early!