Mid Essex CCG plans independent living limits
Mid Essex CCG plans to limit independent living for disabled people receiving NHS continuing health care into residential care
A recent consultation by the Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group proposes that if the cost of meeting continuing health care needs in the community is above 10% more than a residential care or nursing home place would be then the person concerned will not be able to have their needs met at home.
This proposal, which would apply to new applicants for continuing health care, is a threat to independent living and could see disabled people forced into having to live out their lives in residential care.
The CCG, ironically called Enable East with the strap line ‘making improvements actually happen’ sees this proposal as ‘making the best use of finances and resources available so spending on healthcare is fair to everyone.’ However, as the response to the consultation presented by the Spinal Injuries Association points out, ‘The proposed policy cuts across the principles in article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities to living independently and being included in the community’.
This proposal may only be being contemplated in Mid Essex but the concern of Disability Rights UK is that if it is implemented then in no time at all CCGs throughout England will be doing the same and coercing disabled people with high support needs into residential care.
View the original consultation and the response from the Spinal Injuries Association