18-21 year old universal credit claimants in supported accommodation
In a written answer to parliament the Government confirms 18-21 year old universal credit claimants in supported accommodation will continue to be able to claim housing benefit after April 2017
Asked by Stephen Timms on: 09 September 2015
“To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, whether he plans to exempt 18 to 21 year olds in supported accommodation who meet the specified accommodation definition under the Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Supported Accommodation) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 from the withdrawal of housing support for this age group.”
Answered by: Justin Tomlinson on: 14 September 2015
“This Government is determined to end youth unemployment, and support all young people into work. In order to prevent young people slipping straight into a life on benefits, from April 2017 we will remove automatic entitlement to housing support for new claims in Universal Credit from 18-21 year olds who are out of work. This measure ensures young people in the benefits system face the same choices as young people who work and who may not be able to afford to leave home.
However, we will ensure that vulnerable young people who are in need of support for their housing needs continue to receive it.
People living in specified accommodation claiming Universal Credit do not receive the housing element, and instead receive support for their housing costs though Housing Benefit. The Government has no plans to change 18-21 year olds entitlement to Housing Benefit, so claimants in specified accommodation will continue to be supported with their housing costs and will be unaffected by this policy.”