Links to key documents: Children and Families Act (2014)
Since September 2014, under the Children and Families Act, the Government has changed the law on special educational needs and disability (SEND) support
This is a page of useful links to resources.
The Act
Children and Families Act 2014
Department for Education (DfE)
Children and Families Act Code of Practice - (Updated 15 Aug 2014). Statutory Guidance for Local authorities, health and social care providers, schools and colleges.
SEND: a guide for parents and carers, 15 Aug 2014 - Provides a list of voluntary sector organisations who may be able to help you.
SEND: managing changes to legislation from September 2014 - Statutory Guidance for local authorities, providers of health and social care, schools, colleges and training providers (28 August 2014)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: a guide for parents and carers (15 Aug 2014) -
SEND: Further education guide to the 0-25 SEND code of Practice - This guide is for further education colleges, sixth-form colleges, 16 to 19 academies and independent specialist colleges. It explains the duties and responsibilities of further education providers who deal with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. (1 Sept 2014)
SEND: A guide for schools and alternative provision settings (1 Sept 2014)
SEND: A Guide for social care professionals (1 September 2014)
Department for Work and Pensions
HB Circular A14/2014: special education needs – This circular covers amendments to Housing Benefit regulations.
Council for Disabled Children (CDC) resources
Independent Support: a Quick Parent’s Guide
Making decisions about your special educational needs and disability support
A Step-by-Step Guide to EHC Plans (28 Aug 2014) - Useful cross-reference to each para of Code of Practice on EHC Plans.
Nasen resources
SEND Gateway resources: Everybody included: the SEND code of Practice explained (May 2014) - This is written exclusively for schools, with children and parents in mind but gives an explanation of what a young person should experience before and during transition, whether or not they have an EHCP/Statement.
Justice website - From 1 September 2014 Children and young people from 0 – 25 years can pursue appeals to Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals. If you over the statutory school age of 16 you can appeal in your own right, rather than through your parents. Until the new system is fully implemented, there will be different legal considerations by the tribunal depending on whether the appeal involves a statement or an EHC plan. The website publishes forms and guidance to suit the different types of appeal.