Sporting Future - A New Strategy for an Active Nation


Disability Rights UK welcomes the new Government strategy for sport, Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation and we are encouraged by the shift in emphasis towards a physical activity for all and away from sport for the few.

There is a clear commitment to put people and what is important to them first when developing the Government strategy for sport.

As a membership organisation led by disabled people we believe that opportunities for sport and physical activity should be designed, developed and led by the communities which they serve. We also look forward to seeing investment in a more diverse workforce in the sector and empowering communities to get active. We particularly welcome the removal of distinctions between sport and physical activity and hope that this creates more choice, control and flexibility for disabled people.

We are pleased to hear that the Government and its partners will develop new approaches to measuring outcomes which really matter to people. The opportunity to explore this through the new strategy for sport could engage a wider, more diverse section of society and will be of huge benefit to disabled people.

The Get Yourself Active project, funded by Sport England and led by Disability Rights UK, is developing better opportunities for disabled people to be active through exploring partnerships between local disabled people’s organisations, the sport sector health and social care leaders.

Through this project we will demonstrate that increased participation in physical activity and sport will increase confidence, sense of choice and control as well as connectedness to the community and better health and wellbeing.

Sporting Future - A New Strategy for an Active Nation

View our response to the strategy for sport consultation

Sporting Future - A New Strategy for an Active Nation