Closing the disability skills gap
Closing the disability skills gap: ‘what works’ to enhance skills for future work
This summary is based on two Disability Rights UK reports: a literature review, by Dr Gill O’Toole of London Metropolitan University, and a reflective report setting a path for future policy.
They focus both on the skills young disabled people need to get into employment; and on skills for people who acquire impairments or conditions during working life.
Closing the disability skills gap - January 2015
Skills for employment for disabled people: A reflective report - This reflective report is designed to put forward ideas to improve skills for employment and career progression for disabled people. April 2014
Review of different approaches to work skills development for disabled young people (14-25) and disabled working adults in the UK and internationally – A literature review which informs Skills for employment for disabled people: A reflective report. April 2014