Cutting disabled people’s benefits will make it harder for them to find work
We’re so glad that Disability Rights UK Ambassador Lord Colin Low has come out against the proposed 30% Employment and Support Allowance cut from 2017 to new claimants in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG).
A cut of about 30% to income – from £5,300 to £3,800 - is very serious: what other group would be faced with that scale of cut to income? For people in the WRAG group who want to get back into work (and many would like to) it’s clear what is needed: much more flexible practices from employers (for instance, so people with fluctuating conditions could work when they can), with advice and support for employers to make that happen, and really personalised support for disabled people that is actually effective. We need a strong strategy from government to help disabled people and employers make this happen – not deep cuts that will just drive disabled people into greater poverty.