Southampton City Council withdraw care cap threat

Tue,12 January 2016
News Participation

Southampton City Council have announced that they are withdrawing their proposal to cap personal budgets at the level of a residential care place. 

There had been grave concern that people with high support needs would be forced out of living independently in their own homes to having to live in residential care.

See original Guardian article

Sue Bott, Deputy Chief Executive DR UK says:

“Spectrum CIL and all others connected with the campaign are to be congratulated in persuading Southampton Council to withdraw this proposal which if accepted would have had the effect of destroying the rights of people with high support needs to independent living in the community as guaranteed by Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. 

We urge Councils and Clinical Commissioning Groups considering similar proposals to withdraw them and where such policies have been adopted, for example in Enfield CCG and Mid Essex CCG, to rescind them.”

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