An update on Disabled Students allowance


In mid February 2016 the Department of Business Innovation and Skills released the guidance on Disabled Student Allowance.

The guidance can be read at The guidance confirms the policy.

Disability Rights UK are pleased to see the appeals process spelt out and reflecting the proposals we ourselves advocated for. However concerns over the implementation of the policy remain.

The Department had committed to a kitemark on inclusive education but to date we have seen no further detail on this.

The Department have also stated their wish to instigate stakeholder groups involving ourselves and others but similarly we are yet to see these implemented.

Of key concern is the likely impact of the policy on the numbers of disabled students attending or enrolling at university, though this information is unlikely to be available until January 2017 we welcome evidence from university admissions department, student disability officers and of course disabled students themselves in the meantime.

We also looking to work with the student body to rate universities on their preparations for the implementation of the guidance.

Finally we have received complaints on the “medicalisation” of the role the guidance ascribes to the providers of mental health services to disabled students and have reflected this back to the officials who drew up the guidance.

Please share your views on the operation of the guidance and any concerns it presents to you.

We will continue to raise evidence for our concerns and those of the coordinating group of stakeholders that I chair, “No cap on aspiration – DSA,” through our supporters in parliament. Please email