LAP Contact details and Speaking Engagements
Contact us for further information
Requesting Katrina Morris for speaking engagements
With her own lived experience of disability and working with various groups who fit within the protected characteristics of The Equalities Act 2010, Katrina brings a wealth of expertise and experience. Working as The Leadership Academy Executive for 8 years, she has encountered many opportunities to understand, empathise and relate to the barriers and obstacles that disabled employees can face. Over her years in this role, Katrina has had the opportunity to work with various individuals, companies and organisations and has witnessed first-hand the impact that LAP has had on the participants, confidence, ability to be open about their disability, motivation, overcoming real and perceived barriers and cultural changes within partnering organisations, as they invest in their disabled employees, year on year.
Katrina has been invited to speak at several events and speaks openly and passionately about hidden disability and ownership of the need for ‘real change’. She speaks emotively and yet practically gives guidance on how to effect change.
To book a meeting to discuss a speaking engagement opportunity, please use the contact details provided below.
If you are an Employer or an Employee, interested in particpating in LAP, as either a Delegate or as a Mentor?
Please contact The Leadership Academy Executive for further information;
Tel: 0203 687 0778
If you are a senior member of staff and wish to become a mentor on the programme, find out more
Please send us an invitation to join us on our social sites, where you can share relevant information and gain up-to-date reports and events in the fields of disability and leadership;
Please follow us on our social media
Twitter: @LapDRUK
LinkedIn: The Leadership Academy Programme
FaceBook: Leadership-Academy KM