BIHR publishes UN Universal Periodic Review report


Joint Civil Society Report to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of the United Kingdom (3rd Cycle).

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This report has been produced by the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) as part of the Human Rights Check UK project. It follows eight consultation events and a call for evidence across Great Britain, engaging over 175 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

In 2017 the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will examine how well the UK government, including the devolved jurisdictions in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is doing at promoting, protecting and ensuring disabled people’s human rights. You can have your say by attending one of our events or completing our online survey 

BIHR report recommendations in relation to Poverty, Welfare and Adequate Standard of Living

57. The UK Government should:

  • Monitor and review the impact of welfare reforms on living standards, increased poverty and food insecurity, and work to break the link between welfare support and poverty
  • Pause and review its sanctioning policy, ensuring no person is pushed in to destitution
  • Abolish the spare room subsidy since it causes destitution and has not served its purpose
  • Reconsider changes to child poverty policy and ensure no child is living in poverty
  • Create a living wage that accurately reflects the cost of living within the UK

BIHR report recommendations with regard to disability

99. The UK Government should:

  • Roll out human rights approaches to law, policy and service development in mental health in compliance with human rights standards
  • Remove the Employment Tribunal fees which have created barriers for disabled people accessing remedies when experiencing discrimination
  • Increase social care resources to ensure older people receive adequate and consistent access to healthcare