Report on the Independent Living Survey 2016


This report, published by In Control on behalf of the Independent Living Strategy group, presents the findings of an online survey looking at what impact the Care Act is actually having on the day-to-day lives of disabled people living in England today.

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Key Findings

Choice and control

  • Just under half (48%) of all respondents reported that the choice and control they enjoyed over their support was poor or very poor.
  • A third of respondents (33%) said that the level of choice and control they enjoyed over their support had reduced or reduced significantly.
  • Significant numbers of people reported a range of different restrictions being placed on how they could use the money available for their support: for example 50% of respondents reported support was restricted to personal care tasks only.

Quality of life and wellbeing

  • Well over half (58%) of respondents reported that their quality of life had reduced or reduced significantly over the past 12 months.
  • A quarter of respondents (25%) said the hours of work or volunteering they could do had reduced or reduced significantly.
  • Almost two out of five (38%) reported they are having to rely more on family and friends for support.
  • More than a quarter (27%) of respondents reported an increase or a significant increase in the amount of money they have to contribute towards the cost of their support.