DR UK says figures for rejected PIP mandatory reconsiderations a disgrace


In over 80% of mandatory reconsiderations the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) award remains unchanged.

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This is in stark contrast to the high level of success of those PIP claimants who then go on to independently appeal these decisions (65% as of September 2016).

48% of disability living allowance (DLA) reassessments for PIP have led to benefit being disallowed or reduced.

  • 40% resulted in an increased benefit award.
  • The most common recorded disabling condition for those awarded PIP is “psychiatric disorder” (35%).
  • The next most common condition is recorded as “musculoskeletal disorder” (20%).

Ken Butler DR UK’s Welfare Rights Adviser said:

“When compared to the success rate of PIP appeals the figures for rejected PIP mandatory reconsiderations are a disgrace.

PIP has now been in operation for over three years – surely enough time for the DWP to have put in place an assessment process that gets most decisions right first time.

Instead, many disabled people are having their right to a disability benefit withheld due to poor face to face assessments and further evidence then supplied effectively ignored in favour of Atos and Capita medical reports.

We would hope that the second independent review of PIP will report early in the new year and recommend root and branch changes to the assessment process.

In the meantime, we would urge all disabled people who are rejected at the mandatory reconsideration stage to seek advice about making an appeal to an independent tribunal."

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