The Great Repeal Bill White Paper published


The Great Repeal Bill White Paper sets out the government’s proposals for ensuring a functioning statute book once we have left the EU. 

Link to Great Repeal Bill White Paper

DR UK Factsheet F59: Brexit and human rights

The Great Repeal Bill will;

  • convert directly-applicable EU law (EU regulations) into UK law
  • preserve all the laws we have made in the UK to implement our EU obligations
  • ensure that the rights in the EU treaties that can be relied on directly in court by an individual will continue to be available in UK law
  • provide that historic Court of Justice (CJEU) case law be given the same binding, or precedent, status in our courts as decisions of our own Supreme Court

The Government welcomes feedback on this White Paper. Comments can be sent to

Timetable for the Bill

Government will introduce the Great Repeal Bill in the next Parliamentary session. Its passage through Parliament will run alongside the UK’s negotiations with the EU, and other legislation associated with our withdrawal.

Changes made by the Bill will come into effect on the day we leave the European Union, taking into consideration any implementation period agreed during the negotiations.

After the Bill has become law, the Government will begin bringing forward secondary legislation to correct laws that will not operate appropriately once we have left the EU. These statutory instruments will be subject to parliamentary procedure.