I Can Make It has an exciting Wednesday in Manchester and London
Another week, another set of meetings for I Can Make It. All happening on one day; Wednesday the 5th of April.
Two were held in the Greater Manchester Area involving I Can Make It Champions, along with our Policy and Development Manager Philip Connolly. In the morning Philip and three of our champions: Will Case, Andrew Tarpey and Kathryn Woodhead met with Ian Brown, the Head of Commercial Procurement for Manchester.
In the afternoon Philip, Andrew and Kathryn met with the Deputy Mayor of Salford City Council, John Merry, along with Councillor Tracy Kelly, Lead Member for Adult Services, Health and Wellbeing; Councillor Gina Reynolds, Executive Support for Social Care and Mental Health; Councillor John Walsh, Executive Support for Education and Learning; and Assistant Director for Public Health, Debbie Blackburn.
Both meetings offered exciting opportunities to create job opportunities for people with disabilities that we hope we can be closely involved with. We would like to express our thanks to both councils for their co-operation and look forward to developing our ties further with them in the not too distant future.
Meanwhile Leo Capella, Campaign Project Co-ordinator for I Can Make It, participated in a roundtable hosted by Social Enterprise UK. The subject of the roundtable was the government’s industrial strategy.
So we’re having an exciting time with I Can Make It, as we also build on last week’s ICMI Exchange. And one more thing - people in the Bristol area do listen out over the next few weeks for Charlotte White, our champion who represents you. Charlotte will be appearing on BCFM to talk about I Can Make It in a show hosted by Disability Rights UK organisational member, West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL). We’d like to express our thanks to WECIL for inviting Charlotte to take part.