Access to the built environment needs urgent improvement


Today the Women and Equalities Select committee, chaired by Maria Miller MP, publishes its report into access for disabled people to the built environment. 

View Building for Equality report

The committee’s key recommendations include:

  • Government should give strategic leadership to ensure disabled people can access the built environment
  • Government should make it easier for planning authorities to insist on access including not signing off local plans unless they address access to housing, public spaces and the wider built environment
  • There should be more ambition in implementing accessible housing standards to at least the equivalent of the life time homes standard
  • Increased provision of Changing Places toilets in public building should be a priority
  • There should be a moratorium on shared space schemes until national guidelines are developed that guarantee access and safety for disabled people.

Sue Bott, Deputy CEO Disability Rights UK comments:

‘I was pleased to have the opportunity to give oral evidence to the committee based on the access issues that our members have shared with us.  Disability Rights UK is fully in support of the report’s recommendations. In the run up to the general election on 8th June we will be watching with interest to see how the political parties plan to guarantee our rights as disabled people and how they intend to ensure we are included in planning and decision making about the built environment.’