Resources wanted to further job opportunities for young disabled people


Disability Rights UK promotes a campaign called “I Can Make It” aimed at creating job opportunities for young disabled people through public sector contracting; utilising the opportunity created by the 2012 Social Value Act and the requirements of section 149 of the 2010 Equalities Act.

Local authorities in the main have good policy in this area including in some instances targets, but examples of good practice remain few in number or small in scale.

We wish to change this by inviting you to write or contribute to short and simple resources that will help your fellow professionals to deliver more social value and further job opportunities for young disabled people. Our themes are as follows:

  1. developing contract specifications that include model clauses;
  2. developing tender documents that specify social value;
  3. supporting suppliers to respond to the social value clauses;
  4. inclusive recruitment and retention practices by successful tenderers;
  5. supply chain management;
  6. existing good practice – social value that supports disabled people into work;
  7. change management practices that support social value.

We envisage that these resources would be one to two sides of A4 paper in length and equip local authorities with the confidence to ask for more social value and the suppliers with the confidence to deliver it.

Please respond with your offers of help or alternate or additional suggestions to