Have you struggled to find safe and affordable accommodation in the private rental sector?
We are a team of researchers based at the University of Southampton, and are exploring how single people (without resident children) have been affected by changes to housing welfare for private renters.
Our focus is on something called the ‘Shared Accommodation Rate’, which has meant that single people under 35 are only entitled to housing benefit at the rate of a single room in a shared house.
We want to hear from you if any of the following apply:
- You are single and under 35
- If at any point you have struggled to afford a rental property of your own, and have had to live with friends or family (this may be a long-term solution, or for a short-term temporary period—e.g. sofa-surfing)
- If at any point you have struggled with rental costs so have had to share a property with strangers (those who you did not know prior to moving into the household)
- If at any point you have attempted to make a claim for housing benefit, and have been told you are only eligible for the Shared Accommodation Rate.
You can take part in the research by completing a short questionnaire which should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please click here to complete this questionnaire online. Alternatively, if you want to take this questionnaire by phone, or be sent a paper copy then please email us at lhacuts@soton.ac.uk or call us on 07403 426 113
And / or you can take part in a one-to-one interview, where you can share your experiences in greater detail. A researcher from the University of Southampton will travel to you at a time that is convenient, and you will be given £20 as a token of appreciation for your time.
We are particularly keen to hear from people who are under-represented in academic research, people from black & minority ethnic groups, those who identify as LGBT+, and people with disabilities.
Further information
If you think you might be interested in taking part in an interview then please download our participant information sheet, which contains information about what the interview will involve and tells you how your confidentiality will be protected. To be considered for an interview, or to simply find out a bit more information then please email us at lhacuts@soton.ac.uk or call us on 07828195285. Please note that once you express an initial interest there is no obligation to be interviewed.
If you have any questions or require further information then please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’d be happy to answer any questions about what participating in the project involves.