Online benefits appeals hearings in the pipeline


New blog by Chief Executive of HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) Susan Acland-Hood.

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In her new blog, Susan Acland-Hood discusses the next 18 months, in relation to HMCTS online systems – all of which will involve wide testing and consultation.

As far as appeals are concerned she says:

“In tribunals, people appealing social security and child benefit decisions will be able to make their application fully online, track the progress of their case by text, email or online, and, if judged appropriate, take part either in a virtual hearing, or in an online hearing with the judge able to ask questions through rapid messaging, allowing much faster decision-making in a system where delays can bring real hardship. The system will also support physical hearings for those that need them (and judges will always have discretion over the way cases should be heard).

Similar systems will developed for other tribunals. Virtual hearings (with all parties able to attend from anywhere) are currently being technically tested for immigration and asylum case management and once testing is complete will be further developed for wider pilots, for use where judges deem it appropriate.”